Social Justice, Economic & Racial Equality Commission
Our Mission, is not just another mission statement, but carrying out service to our communities and fulfilling our Christian duty “to engage those social concerns that challenge the communities we are called to serve.” Additionally, we are governed by the following principles, informed by Scripture and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Every child, family, and individual should be able to live free of the threat and hurt of gun violence.
- The disproportionate, mass incarceration of African-Americans, Latinos, and other racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups is an injustice that violates American and Christian principles.
- Formerly incarcerated persons who have paid their debts to society deserve societal forgiveness, coupled with opportunity and support to re-enter our communities and provide for themselves and their families.
- Every person, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation or socio-economic status should be able to live free of discriminatory police brutality and profiling.
- Every individual, regardless of race, ethnicity, or income, should have equal access to high-quality, affordable health care.
- Every individual and family—including elderly, middle- and low-income individuals and veterans— deserves safe, affordable, and decent housing in safe neighborhoods.
- Economically challenged individuals and communities deserve equal access and opportunity for business and economic development and ownership.